our story

who doesn’t love pizza?

When you grow up in Connecticut, great pizza is always just around the corner. But like all great loves, you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone. When I moved away from Connecticut, and my wife, from New Jersey, we wanted to recreate the joy of home and thus began this pizza journey.

After many attempts at recreating pies of our past, we landed on our square pie that isn’t quite what we grew up with, but just as special. It’s sturdy enough to hold all the toppings we love, and filling enough to share with others.

Our dog and host, Ramona, is our namesake and she enjoys pizza just as much as we do. She’s been by our side during all the test pies and dropped pepperoni. She’s loved our pies from the very beginning.

Pizza has always brought our family and friends together and we hope our pies do the same for you!

Will, Nicole + Ramona